Following on from my previous blog post, I thought I would share another image from the same wedding that showcases low key wedding photography. For an image to be considered low key it should be dark with a majority of black areas. With this image of a bride and groom dancing, I wanted to really give a sense of the mood of the moment. It was dark in this room. Very dark indeed. But rather than reach for the flashgun and blast the scene with artificial light (and at the same time destroy the ambience) I chose to embrace the darkness. Waiting for the right moment when the couple’s body positions fell into place and the wandering disco spotlight left a fairly even light on them, I took my shot. This scene was awash with multicoloured spotlights and lasers (which as a photographer often prove extremely difficult to work with). The black and white conversion takes away the this distraction and I even really like the laser dots left in this one. It’s almost as if confetti is being thrown during the first dance.
I often ask for the lasers to be turned off for the first dance. May have to rethink that strategy.